EWAA Express Hotels - Offical Website

Ewaa Express Hotel – Tabuk

Ewaa Express Hotel is an outstanding choice for travelers visiting Tabuk, offering a family-friendly environment alongside many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay.

For those interested in checking popular landmarks while visiting Tabuk Ewaa Express Hotel is located a short distance from Tabuk Castle just a 9 minute drive and an 8 minute drive to the historic Tawba mosque.

Ewaa Express Hotel provides comfort with its 77 rooms air conditioned, elegantly decorated according to modern lifestyles to suit the very needs and requirements of its guest and aims to ensure that you feel completely at home.

Ewaa Express hotel opens its doors to you 24/7 to make your stay in Tabuk as enjoyable and memorable, whether you are on a business trip or taking a long holiday. The hotel offers a breakfast buffet, which will make your trip additionally gratifying, as well as access to a modern fitness center and a selection of relaxing spa treatments.

You can also easily come and go from/to Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Airport an 8 minute drive and will be able, in this case to take advantage of our private parking for a peaceful stay.


Standard Rooms


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